All my life, i worshipped her
Her golden voice, her beauty's beat
How she made us feel
How she made me real
And the ground beneath her
And now i can't be sure of anything
Black is white, and cold is heat
For what i worshipped stole my love away
It was the ground beneath her feet
Go lightly down your darkened way
Go lightly underground
I'll be down there in another day
I won't rest until you're found
Let me love you true, let me rescue you
Let me lead you to where two roads meet
O come back above
Where there's only love
And the ground beneath her feet
Salman Rushdie
art by: pho3nix-bf
2 comentários:
olá, boa tarde,
agradeço a tua visita e o facto de teres dado tanta atenção ao meu blog e teres feito um link
adoro vir aqui, o teu espaço é muito bonito e tenho pena que não tenhas mais comentários, mereces
beijinhos e bom fim de semana
Música brilhante.
Leva-me até ao "Million dollar Hotel" e esse filme conduz-me a portas que existem em mim. De vez em quando abro, espreito... mas não quero lá ficar.
Beijos, Maria.
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