terça-feira, outubro 31, 2006
Acho esta foto genial.
Para mim é como se Deus tivesse acabado de escrever num muro a derradeira mensagem ao mundo.
Afastando-se parece dizer: "Agora é convosco, estou farto!".
revelation by dibbi
segunda-feira, outubro 30, 2006
lado negro
já tive medo de mim
já tive medo do que seria capaz de fazer
já acordei assustado
já me arrependi
já sofri por pensar
já fiz chorar
já não me reconheci
já fiquei farto de ser eu
já compreendi que ter pena de mim não faz de mim melhor.
pic by b33lz3bub
Faith, Hope and Love
"to believe, without seeing
to desire, without knowing
to give, without taking
these are the most precious gifts we've been given. for they keep us alive, even when everything seems to fade away."
masterpiece (art and words) by shimoda7
people of the sun
"Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right
It's all right "
The Beatles
pic by gilad
domingo, outubro 29, 2006
para te ser
Eu não te deixo abraçar
não te deixo rezar
não te deixo acariciar
não te deixo amar
não te consigo deixar
tu não me podes ver
não me consegues ler
não me queres ter
não me vais perceber
porque existo para te ser.
foto: visioluxus
sábado, outubro 28, 2006
One wing angels
"We are each of us angels
with only one wing,
and we can only fly
by embracing one another."
Quote: Luciano de Crescenzo
Art: Alex Castells
with only one wing,
and we can only fly
by embracing one another."
Quote: Luciano de Crescenzo
Art: Alex Castells
My moments are my life, my escape, my glorified solitude.
My moments can cure everything, except love.
photo by bittertaste
quinta-feira, outubro 26, 2006
Humano, Demasiado Humano
Tenho a sorte de conhecer algumas pessoas maiores que a vida.
Não são apenas sentidores, são bem mais do que isso.
São vida em estado bruto, lágrimas e sorrisos dançantes.
Céus floridos de amor envolvente.
Tocam-me e deixam-me tocar-lhes como se um sorriso meu os envolvesse e alimentasse.
São paixão pelo sonho e amantes da realidade.
São uma benção cativante que quer sempre dar mais.
São viventes com uma fome insaciável, com sede de querer e com um mundo para amar.
pic by TOYIB
quarta-feira, outubro 25, 2006
child in time
"Sweet child in time you'll see the line
The line that's drawn between the good and the bad
See the blind man shooting at the world
Bullets flying taking toll
If you've been bad, Lord I bet you have
And you've been hit by flying lead
You'd better close your eyes and bow your head
And wait for the ricochet"
(Deep Purple)
art by AstralWind
Os ases de trunfo
De quando em vez jogo convosco
e jogo com prazer.
Quando me desconcentro
trazem-me à terra
usando os vossos trunfos.
Têm o precioso cuidado de
nunca cortar as minhas damas.
Quando só tenho duques,
vocês juntam-se mim e nunca elevam o jogo.
Vocês sabem que nunca conseguirei
ganhar e deliberadamente
nunca desistem de me acompanhar.
pic by Princess-of-Shadows
terça-feira, outubro 24, 2006
segunda-feira, outubro 23, 2006
sweet moonchild
"She's a moonchild
Gathering the flowers in a garden.
Lovely moonchild
Drifting on the echoes of the hours.
Sailing on the wind
in a milk white gown
Dropping circle stones on a sun dial
Playing hide and seek
with the ghosts of dawn
Waiting for a smile from a sun child."
by Kim Crimson
great pic by madpimp350
Azeret (I can't sleep but still I dream of you)
I want to suffer in your arms.
I Want to cry with you
My little devil in disguise
I know you are suffering, too.
pic by redletterflight
domingo, outubro 22, 2006
O meu mundo
Aos 3 anos respondi a famosa questão "o que queres ser quando fores grande?". Prontamente disse "Cavalo".
Já parti ou desloquei todos os dedos das mãos.
Adorava correr mas só adulto aprendi a travar, até lá o portão de casa da minha tia ficou cheio de marcas do meu corpo.
Na única vez que tive 2 carros consegui bater com um no outro e mandar os dois para a oficina.
Já fui interrogado pela PJ por ser suspeito de assaltar velhotas na avenida de Roma (simplesmente por estar estacionado à porta de um banco).
Já parti a cabeça 3 vezes, uma delas a falar ao telemóvel. Ainda tive tempo de ir ao hospital, ao barbeiro e apanhar o avião para o México.
Das poucas vezes que tive substância proibidas, guardei no saco dos medicamentos.
Apanhei o avião para Miami e esqueci-me de tirar o "produto". Apanhei o susto da minha vida quando os cães farejavam à minha volta.
Nunca mais me lembrei disso até apanhar o vôo de regresso.
Todos os dias esboço, pelo menos uma vez, um sorriso.
Todos os dias seguro, pelo menos uma vez, as minhas lágrimas.
pic by SeaFairy
free fallin
" Free fallin with never looking down.
You may not know where you are heading, but who said that's a bad thing...
Living is a journey that always ends in the same place, it's all about the ride.
Free fallin with never looking down. "
words and pic by gilad
sábado, outubro 21, 2006
Let me forget about today until tomorrow
"Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free,
Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands,
With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves,
Let me forget about today until tomorrow. "
Bob Dylan - Mr Tambourine Man
pic by FaerieNymph
You are a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Os teus olhos dizem que não, a tua boca murmura um leve talvez e apertas-me a mão com a força de um sim.
pic by maxlain
quinta-feira, outubro 19, 2006
We have different eyes
"can’t write a poem of beauty
I can’t write something that will make you happy
All I can do is write the words I know
In lines that make sense to my mind
You think morning bird songs as beauty on your windowsill
I think early morning annoyances
You think fuzzy animal
I think creature living its own life as we do ours
You see people dressed in white with crosses you think angels
You see ones dressed in black and chains you think demons
I do not see the beauty of one or the ugliness of another
I see people in white as people
I see people in black as people
I don’t see the difference
You look into a mirror and see everything right and wrong
All I can see is my reflection
I see nothing special
Nothing right, but nothing wrong
I see no demon, but I see no angel in my reflection either
How can two beings such as you and I
See the same thing, and think so differently
It’s easy
As you see me a sin
I see you as just there
We have different eyes
Our eyes have different reflections
How can I write words of beauty
When what I see as enchanting
Could be what you see as disgrace."
poem by WanderingShadow
imagem by soleildenuit
quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2006
I wish that I was made of stone
Up those stone steps I climbBrompton Oratory - Nick Cave
Hail this joyful day's return
Into its great shadowed vault I go
Hail the Pentecostal morn
The reading is from Luke 24
Where Christ returns to his loved ones
I look at the stone apostles
Think that it's alright for some
And I wish that I was made of stone
So that I would not have to see
A beauty impossible to define
A beauty impossible to believe
A beauty impossible to endure
The blood imparted in little sips
The smell of you still on my hands
As I bring the cup up to my lips
No God up in the sky
No devil beneath the sea
Could do the job that you did, baby
Of bringing me to my knees
Outside I sit on the stone steps
With nothing much to do
Forlorn and exhausted, baby
By the absence of you
amazing drawing and art (this is not a photo manipulation) by xbeautyqueenx
segunda-feira, outubro 16, 2006
voltei a ver-te
photo by sweetscissorlips
" Um hálito de música ou de sonho, qualquer coisa que faça quase sentir, qualquer coisa que faça não pensar." B.Soares
domingo, outubro 15, 2006
Like razors tearing at a wounded heart.
" Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am the autumn wind that blows,
And the diamond glints on the snow.
When you awaken in the morning hush,
I am the sweep uplifting rush...
of quiet birds circled in flight.
I am the star that shines in the night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there, I do not die."
Native American killed in World War II
photo by natasha-marie
sábado, outubro 14, 2006
quinta-feira, outubro 12, 2006
looking for fate
“I'll come to you tonight, dear, when it's late,
You will not see me; you may feel a chill.
I'll wait until you sleep, then take my fill,
And that will be your future on a plate.
They'll call it chance, or luck, or call it Fate.”
Neil Gaiman
art by xbeautyqueenx
quarta-feira, outubro 11, 2006
Cartas de Amor de Deus a Maria
1ª Carta
"Só na morte minha serás
e a sorte que aqui te retiro
Maior será ao teu suspiro
e não mais sentirás ou sonharás.
Depois num imenso céu de ninguém
procurar-te-ei com sede e fome
antes que alguém de baixo te tome.
O meu cíume ignorará mal ou bem!
Até lá com dor te espero
Procura a felicidade no meu desgosto
Pensa em mim e em quanto te quero
Porque nenhum paladar terá o meu gosto."
2ª Carta
"Foste tu que quiseste nascer
que quiseste viver e morrer.
Mas a dor aumenta o meu poder
Arranjarei forma de te ir ver."
3ª Carta
"Um dia num sonho forte e crú
Apertei e senti o teu corpo nú
e num momento sem noite nem dia
deixei em ti um pouco de mim, Maria"
"Só na morte minha serás
e a sorte que aqui te retiro
Maior será ao teu suspiro
e não mais sentirás ou sonharás.
Depois num imenso céu de ninguém
procurar-te-ei com sede e fome
antes que alguém de baixo te tome.
O meu cíume ignorará mal ou bem!
Até lá com dor te espero
Procura a felicidade no meu desgosto
Pensa em mim e em quanto te quero
Porque nenhum paladar terá o meu gosto."
2ª Carta
"Foste tu que quiseste nascer
que quiseste viver e morrer.
Mas a dor aumenta o meu poder
Arranjarei forma de te ir ver."
3ª Carta
"Um dia num sonho forte e crú
Apertei e senti o teu corpo nú
e num momento sem noite nem dia
deixei em ti um pouco de mim, Maria"
foto: Teufelkind
terça-feira, outubro 10, 2006
segunda-feira, outubro 09, 2006
a friend far away
"A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain?"
citação de Kahlil Gibran
fotografia de uma amiga de coração enorme muitas vezes injustiçada pelo meu coração faminto
domingo, outubro 08, 2006
sexta-feira, outubro 06, 2006
I'm back
Cansei-me de me procurar. Não vale a pena ir mais longe, não estou em parte nenhuma desde que a perdi. Comecei hoje mesmo a caminhar em sentido inverso à minha fuga. Estou de regresso completamente esquecido daquele que iniciou esta viagem.
Al Berto
art by InsecureDelusion
vivi-te faminto
Escrevi sobre ti antes de te conhecer,
pintei-te antes de abrir os olhos,
sonhei contigo em cada momento que sorri,
e durante o tempo em que estivemos juntos,
vivi-te faminto.
Por isso não faz sentido que deixes de ser especial,
muito especial.
Já aceitei a distância,
que nada será o mesmo,
mas não evito que os olhos brilhem
quando a saudade aparece.
Feliz aniversário....
Foto by kMoOg
quinta-feira, outubro 05, 2006
spliting my CHI in two
Red and grey flowing through my thoughts,
a shower of blood and tears.
Disassociation from the world that they call real;
still fucked, still overwhelmed.
Pressed to run across the page in pain
I reach the point where the the thoughs
of the sleepless night before the day
can only make things worse.
The executioner's axe silently falls swiftly,
and splits the balanced chi in two.
poem by ambAngel
photo by diversify
No wasted time....We're alive today
Hello there, my old friend
Not so long ago it was 'til the end
We played outside in the pouring rain
On our way up the road we started over again
You're livin' a dream....Wo you on top
My mind is achin'....Lord it won't stop
Thats how it happens....Livin' life by the drop
Up and down that road in our worn out shoes
Talkin' 'bout good things and signin' the blues
You went your way....I stayed behind
We both knew it was just a matter of time
You're livin a dream....Wo you on top
My mind is achin'....Lord it won't stop
That's how it happens....Livin' life by the drop
No wasted time....We're alive today
Churnin' up the past....There's no easier way
Time's been between us....A means to an end
God it's good to be here walkin' together my friend
You're livin a dream....Wo you on top
My mind is achin'....Lord it won't stop
That's how it happens....Livin' life by the drop
That's how it happens....Livin' life by the drop
That's how it happens....Livin' life by the drop
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Life By The Drop
drawing by Pain-bearer
terça-feira, outubro 03, 2006
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star
Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay
Were laid spread out before me as her body once did.
All five horizons revolved around her soul
As the earth to the sun
Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn
Ooh, and all I taught her was everything
Ooh, I know she gave me all that she wore
And now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds
Of what was everything.
Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
I take a walk outside
I'm surrounded by some kids at play
I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear?
Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my head
I'm spinning, oh, I'm spinning
How quick the sun can drop away
And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass
Of what was everything?
All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
All the love gone bad turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be... yeah...
Uh huh... uh huh... ooh...
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,
I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky, but why
Why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine
Black - Pearl Jam
print by Pain-bearer
segunda-feira, outubro 02, 2006
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance*
We should consider every day lost on which we havephoto by Film-Exposed
not danced at least once. And we should call every
truth false which was not accompanied by at least
one laugh.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
* japonese proverb
domingo, outubro 01, 2006
Change is not progress
Of all the plagues a lover bears,
Sure rivals are the worst.
I can endure my own despair,
But not anothers hope.
- William Walsh
In the water by tania
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