sexta-feira, fevereiro 09, 2007

feeling so alone

"Insomnia is a chain
Insomnia is a loop
Insomnia is a vicious circle

Right now
Inside my skull
Inside the bones

My neck turns
Cartilage moves
I like the sound of my own bones

In the midst of this emergency
I think of you
And only you

In the midst of all this sleepless blood
Your pink lips
Your arms upstretched

I can't breathe without you
But this circle of ribs
Keeps working on its own "

Sam Shepard

from Motel Chronicles

pic: l3dav1nc1

1 comentário:

Driczz disse...

Oi, vc tem mais passagens em ingles deste livro - Sam Shepard/ Motel Chronicles ? Ou o link de onde vc conseguiu? Agradeço desde já ;)